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Cvičení s volnou váhou nebo na stroji?

Cvičení s volnou váhou má nespočet benefitů. Samozřejmě stroje májí také své klady, takže co je lepší? 

Jde pouze o to, čemu dáte přednost z hlediska vašich cílů. Pokud chcete budovat komplexnost, při cvičení zapojit co nejvíce svalů a posouvat rozvoj síly, pak zvolte volné váhy. Zároveň bude vyšší i metabolická odpověď na trénink a tedy spálíte více kalorií a tedy i tuku. Jestliže se potřebujete soustředit již na detaily a svaly zapojovat zejména izolovaněji nebo jste začátečník, poohlédněte se po stroji. Ideální je samozřejmě kombinace. Začněte těžšími a komplexnějšími cviky s volnou váhou a v druhé části tréninku se přesuňte ke strojům, které vám poskytnou zacílení na konkrétní svalové skupiny. 

Outdoor Fitness

Running vs. Fitness

Proponents of the run vs. proponents of the gym, or do these two activities go together or against each other?  

First, it's important to know what your goal is and whether one or the other activity will go against it. But if your goal is to lose weight, for example, it is definitely ideal to combine these two activities. You may think that I will burn more calories by running and therefore lose more fat. However, the truth is that the body also burns muscle while running. Women in particular would say they don't mind this because many of them don't want muscle. However, in reality, it is the muscle mass that forms a nice figure with nice curves, and this does not necessarily mean a cut-out body with abdomen.  

So what about that? If you really want to run and you enjoy it, there is no reason to stop. Try to combine strength training with aerobic activity, eg in a 1: 1 ratio. For example Mon and Fri - Strength Training, Tue and Sat - Running Training. You will see that the positive results on your character will soon be more noticeable.

Food before bed?

When to include the last meal before bed is a much discussed topic. Eat last at 6pm, or won't I lose weight or do I care?  

The truth is, it doesn't matter. Not completely, but on a basic scale. What is important is your total energy intake per day, per week, per month, which in the case of diet should be in deficit compared to your energy expenditure. The correct setting of macronutrients and, in the end, micronutrients are a matter of course.

So when was the last time you ate? It is a very individual matter that unfolds, for example  from whether the individual trains in the evening.  

However, such an ideal is no longer to eat about 1-2 hours before bedtime. However, not so much from the point of view of the diet itself, but from the point of view of quality sleep and therefore good regeneration, so that the body is no longer so burdened with digestion and better production of growth hormone occurs shortly after falling asleep. Growth hormone is responsible for many of the bodily processes that are responsible for our health. Among other things, the regulation of fats, because it prevents its accumulation. Good sleep is therefore very important and the last meal can have a significant negative effect on it and thus frustrate your efforts to lose weight.

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